The day i wemt to the aquarium

I was on a field trip with my second grade class, We went to the aquarium in Dallas,So we get in the aquarium and me and friend go look at the fish and then I sit down on the bench and he tells me “Dude your pants are ripped”, So I go to the restroom to see if its true because I wasn’t about to check my pants in front of a lot of people. I go to the restroom and check my pants, and I see that they are so I grab my jacket and rap my self with it and I wear it the whole day! we geton the bus and one of my other friends ask me why I have had it on all day and I told him that my pants are ripped! So we got off at the school and he takes off my jacket and my ripped pants are revealed! It was a bad day for me.:{

The Injury

I was at my house in my room. I was talking on my phone and trying to put on my pants at the same time. I was talking on the phone than my cat was trying to get in to my room. I went to the door I tripped hit my head on my dresser. I started to bleed from my forehead and than I started to cry. My friend was still on the phone whenever this all happened. My mom came running in and she threw up all over my bed, she hates the sight of blood. I learned I should never multitask.

Kernal essay

In my house on the ground. There I was sitting looking at my hamster cage with 2 hamsters in there. There I was feeding 1 of them a piece of wood chip and then the crazy happened it bit me on my finger and then I sucked on my finger to stop the blood from coming out. I was mad at my hamster but, it wasn’t its fault that it thought it was food. I was fine after that I went to sleep thinking about why my hamsters bit me. The only idea I got out of that was don’t feed a hamster wood chip.


It all started when I went to volleyball practice. The morning of volleyball practice I had a struggle with waking up. When we got to volleyball I was astonished to see that everybody was already there. When we went out to the gym, we started practice. When serving came, everyone got a chance to serve and then play it off as a real game. When my turn came I served and ran to my volleyball position. After I passed the ball, my pregnant coach came to start tossing the ball to us for the next drill. It was the spike drill and I was up 5th, when I got to the front, a girl was running for the ball she spiked and I spiked mine in her face on accident. After I said sorry, I got my ball and went back in line.

Droppin’ Bombs

I was at my house on Sunday evening. First I was at my house hitting baseballs to my brother when I smashed the ball over the fence and hit the neighbors window. My neighbor came outside and started to yell at my brother and I. We started to run inside and hide from him. I had to go buy a new window with my own money and I had to install it too! One thing I learned from this experienced was that I shouldn’t hit baseball in a neighborhood or when my neighbors car is parked outside. It was a bad day.

Getting Bucked…

I was riding my horse with my sister one day. My dad randomly came screaming, “Get off now!!” As soon as my horse heard my daddy scream, he went wild. Well, things didn’t end to well. The horse bucked us off. Turns out my cousin, Jay, didn’t buckle the saddle to well. My mom was so furious. “How could you do this to the girls?! You need to go home now.” It seems like just yesterday when this happened. I still remember watching Jay get in his car and sobbing. Lesson is, you might want to double check things cause you never know when something will go wrong!

Oh How I Love Gatorade

It was a Friday afternoon and I was getting ready for my older sisters high school graduation. My sister bought me a gorgeous dress for my birthday and so she wanted me to wear it to her graduation. So after I got ready and we had thirty minutes before we left I was thirsty. So I went to the kitchen and I found a Gatorade bottle that was not opened so I took it, while I was drinking it my hand slipped and I dropped the whole Gatorade on my dress and then it hit me and I started panicking. So after my panic attack I knew I had to change into something else. So I got changed and it was time to leave, I told my sister what happened and she just laughed at me and I was somewhat relieved, but I knew she had forgiven me and happily we went to her graduation.

wet dog blues

It happened after school on a Tuesday, 2013. Me and my brother were outside playing with a beach ball. My cat Mojo was on the patio rolling around and taunting our German Shepard, Layla. She took a break from barking crazily, and stepped into our pool, got a drink, then it happened. She came out of the pool, soaking wet, then came over and shook all over me and my brother. Me and my brother shooed her away very angrily. We had to go inside and change because we were so wet. You may think she wouldn’t do it again. Well your wrong!

The Poor Chicken

It all started when I was walking home from school me and some of my buddies were talking about what happened at school until one of friends randomly screams CHICKEN! We turned around and we were confused about what is the chicken doing on the road. All I hear is music blasting from a car’s speakers. I then look back at the chicken and I swear it looked back at me and had its head at an angle, like what are you looking at. Again my friend screams out NO! It was in the blink of an eye the car took the chicken’s place. It was a sad sight, but still today I wonder why the chicken was crossing the road.

I was at the High School Stadium stretching. When we finished, our coach told us to go to our spot to run 5 miles, my FIRST 5 miles. I was so scared because I thought I was going to pass out. I went to my spot and 4 seconds later my coach said “GO!!”. So I did my best :)! I jog then I ran as fast as I could then I jog and so on. It looked like forever to finished, but I did my best. Inside my head I was singing cause you know, it distracts you. When we finished I was so proud of myself! The lesson that I learned was that I can accomplished anything.