The rainy wedding

We were driving to Terrell to go to a wedding. When we were there we had to wait a little for the wedding to start. While we were waiting we tried to find a seat. The wedding started and the parents and family members sat in the first three rows. The preacher pronounced them husband and wife, and as soon as the wedding was over it started to rain. Everybody got soaked and they looked like they went swimming in their clothes on. We ran to our car and drove to a Chinese restaurant and talked about our day, but what we didn’t realize is that my moms seat was dirty and it turned her dress a different color.

Dog Jumps To Much

My dog likes to jump when she sees me or I get near her, I’ve tried to get her to stop but she still does it. I walked into the cage and to get her and put her leash on, she kept jumping on me. I told her to get off and stop, but she didn’t. The last time she jumped she dug her claws right into my arm. I tried to get her off with out hurting her, so I pushed her off of me. It didn’t work. She slid down my side clawing me, I know she didn’t mean to so I didn’t get mad it just hurt. I ran inside and put alcohol on it so it wouldn’t start an infection. She stills jumps all the time but not as much.