Quick Writes, Zero260 Words, and Other Stuff

Quick Writes:

A Quick Write (QW) happens in the first few minutes of class.  I will have a prompt on the board and students are to respond to the prompt in their compositions books.  They write the date and then give 5 blue lines of response.  QWs are designed to get brains thinking and to help build writing stamina.  QW grades are based on completion and not necessarily on content, since QWs are merely warmup exercises.

Zero260 Words:

Ask your student what these words are.  I am curious if they remember what the title “Zero260” means.  The grade for these words (entered October 7) was based on completion.  Students were to copy the word, the proof, and use the Zero260 word in a sentence.  If your student’s grade is not a 100, then points were lost for not following the instructions given for entering the words into the composition books.

Silent Reading

Every other Wednesday is our day to go to the library and check out books.  After taking care of what I call “library business”, we spend the rest of the class period silently reading our book(s). Student earn a daily grade based on their ability to take care of business and silently read.  Points are lost when students fail to follow those directions (i.e., they choose to talk instead of read).

Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
