Never Trust A Goat

It was on a vacation to Arkansas with my family a few years ago that I discovered the real and frightful nature of the goat. We were visiting a petting zoo, and I was busy feeding the various animals, including deer, donkeys, sheep, and… goats. My supply of animal food was quickly diminishing as the greedy animals devoured it, and I guess this one particular goat wasn’t happy about that. He wasn’t planning on waiting for me to get more animal food, so he just started chewing on the end of my jacket. I felt a pull, and looked down to see the goat. Frantically, I attempted to free my jacket from the goat’s mouth. But he held his ground and wouldn’t let go. My parents eventually helped me to get back my jacket, after taking a few pictures… Well, at least I learned something from this; never trust a goat when you have on a jacket. He WILL try to eat it.