Moms trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When this happened I was getting out of the car as we pulled up to the hospital. the big building stared down at me like little eyes. I walked into the hospital. The first thing that happened was my mom was care flighted the night before and I didn’t even know she was hurt my friends mom that was there when she got hurt told me because I was at her house. I got out of the car walked into the hospital and went in to go meet my dad so that I could see my mom. We signed in at the front desk then met my dad in the hallway by my moms room. I walked in and saw her she had a bunch of stiches in her head and looked a little scary. The last thing that happened was she stayed an few long nights in the hospital and then I rode home with my aunt and my mom rode home in her dads truck. I learned a lesson to always cherish what you have and to always be nice because you never know when they will be gone!

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